A prescription of patience



Have you ever had that thought, “I should have this by now?”

Whether it’s remembering a pattern, identifying the music, or maybe keeping our darn head up; it’s easy to become impatient.  We usually identify patience as good, impatience as bad, but I propose it’s all about timing!

Come to think of it, I’m actually feeling a song coming on:

“To everything, turn, turn, turn…

There is a season, turn, turn, turn…” 

So, like the Byrds said, there is a season to be patient, and a season to be impatient.  What it comes down to is where in the stages of learning you are.  Let’s break it down, and diagnose when to apply patience and impatience, so it works for you, and not against!

The Initial Stage

Diagnosis: Patience

The Initial stage is when you’re first learning something new: a new step, a new technique, or body position for example. Think of it as the time when you’re gathering data.  You have to be meticulous, and patient not to rush through and miss important details.

Mantra for Initial Stage:  Keep calm and carry on.

The Awkward Stage

Diagnosis: Patience

Okay, so now you’ve made it to the awkward phase: Congratulations, and come on in!

This is not our most favorite stage to be in, but the silver lining is, now that you’ve gathered the data you can get to work. This diagnosis for this stage is big time patience! Give yourself grace, and put in the time.

Mantra for Awkward Stage:  This too shall pass.

The Conscious Stage –

Diagnosis Patience

Okay, so you no longer feel like Bambi when she first started to discover her legs, and you’ve got all the tools under your belt, worked through the kinks, and now you can do the skill, but it still requires concentration. It also requires… you guessed it, patience! This is the tipping point.  After this stage, you’re going to be a natural, honey!

Mantra:  I think I can, I think I can.

The Natural Stage –

Diagnosis: Impatience

You probably thought this diagnosis was never coming! Why here… Why?!?!

This is the stage where people tend to mellow out and slip into old habits. They’ve done all the legwork to be successful, been in the trenches, and now they’ve achieved that one perfect action – and then they want to relax?


This is where you need to drill that new action and make yourself a pro at it! You’ve been patient now for three stages, time to kick it up a gear and make this natural stage last.

Mantra:  Started from the bottom, now we’re here.


So there you have it.  Next time you start to feel patient, or impatient identify what stage you’re at; are you on course, or do you need to adjust your sails?

As always, the best conversation happens in the comment section.  I want to know:  Are the stages of learning new to you?  Where do you find yourself becoming the most impatient?



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